Here is my latest paper written for grad School concerning the Great Salt Lake Dust Hazard. Below are some of the images and figures found in the paper that some might enjoy -
Image from View of GSL from Davis County causeway |
MODIS image
showing the sources of dust in Utah. Great Salt Lake Desert (GSLD), Dugway (D)
Tule Dry Lake bed (TDL) Sevier Dry Lake bed (SDL) Milford Flat (MF) - (image
from Hahnenberger and Nicoll, 2014)
MODIS imagery showing Utah and Nevada on April 14, 2015 (left) and April 15,
2015 (right) Highlights a dust storm that hit Salt Lake with dust carried all the way from the Lake Sevier dry lake bed
Great Salt Lake and surrounding environs - false color composite as seen from
the European Space Agency Sentinel 2-A satellite August 20, 2015
Great Salt Lake levels with Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) population data
Figure 6
2014 NAIP (top) and Enhanced Vegetation Index 2010-2015 compared to a
2001-2010 median (bottom) green shows an increase, red show a decrease in vegetation while yellow shows a trend that follows the average
Great Salt Lake through the years. Imagery created from the median of all
Landsat 5 scenes from April to September 1988 (top) and 2015 (bottom).